Mixed League Fixtures 2024
W/E Sunday 19th May Llandrindod v Hay Talgarth v Builth Presteigne V Brecon Rhayader v Knighton |
W/E Sunday 26th May Talgarth v Presteigne Llandrindod v Brecon Builth v Rhayader Hay v Knighton |
W/E Sunday 2nd June Rhayader v Hay Brecon v Builth Presteigne v Llandrindod Knighton v Talgarth |
W/E Sunday 9th June Rhayader v Llandrindod Brecon v Presteigne Hay v Talgarth Knighton v Brecon |
W/E Sunday 16th June Llandrindod v Talgarth Presteigne v Hay Brecon v Rhayader Builth v Knighton |
W/E Sunday 23rd June Talgarth v Rhayader Builth v Llandrindod Hay v Brecon Knighton v Presteigne |
W/E Sunday 30th June Brecon v Talgarth Builth v Hay Rhayader v Presteigne Llandrindod v Knighton |
W/E Sunday 7th July Hay v Llandrindod Builth v Talgarth Brecon v Presteigne Knighton v Rhayader |
W/E Sunday 14th July Presteigne v Talgarth Brecon v Llandrindod Rhayader v Builth Knighton v Hay |
W/E Sunday 21st July Hay v Rhayader Builth v Brecon Llandrindod v Presteigne Talgarth v Knighton |
W/E Sunday 28th July Llandrindod v Rhayader Presteigne v Builth Talgarth v Hay Brecon v Knighton |
W/E Sunday 4th August Talgarth v Llandrindod Hay v Presteigne Rhayader v Brecon Knighton v Builth |
W/E Sunday 11th August Rhayader v Talgarth Llandrindod v Builth Brecon v Hay Presteigne v Knighton |
W/E Sunday 27th AUgust Talgarth v Brecon Hay v Builth Presteigne v Rhayader Knighton v Llandrindod |
- All matches to be played week ending Sunday, as per the above fixture list, or on an agreed day during that week.
- Arrangements MUST be finalised before the commencement of the season.
- Games will start at an agreed time between the two clubs. From 5th August all midweek games will commence at 6.00pm unless otherwise agreed with opponents.
- All clubs should play matches on the dates in the designated week
- If clubs cannot agree on a suitable date, the match will be played on the Sunday as per the fixture list starting at 2.00pm.
- The County secretary MUST be informed in writing, before the season starts, of any changes to the fixture list.
- If any match is cancelled the offending Club will be deducted 6 points and the game is rearranged and played within 2 weeks. If inclement weather stops the game the result after 8 ends will stand. Format, 1 rink of 4 Bowl pairs, 2 rinks of 3 Bowl triples playing 18 ends and 1 rink of 2 Bowl fours, playing 16 ends, no trial ends, 1 shot on the first two ends. 6 points for an overall shots win and 3 points for a draw. 2 points for each discipline win and 1 point for a draw.
- No age restriction and no dress code.
- It is a request of the management committee that only one experienced player plays in each rink.
- Please send all results by e-mail to Mr Barry Tomlinson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone within 48 hours of completion of the match, both teams to do this.