Mid Wales Bowling Association

Affiliated to the Welsh Bowling Association


  1. TITLE.
    The association shall be called the "MID WALES BOWLING ASSOCIATION".
  2. The Objects
    The object of the Association is to foster a spirit of friendly rivalry amongest male members within the Association, in order to further and promote the game of bowls by the following means:-
    1. to adopt and enforce the Laws of the Game as laid down for the time being by World Bowls Ltd and enforce any domestic rules that arise and apply to country and county.
    2. to hold Inter County Matches (Open, Senior, Junior and Friendly)
    3. playing for the Mid Wales League Championship Cup and the Veterans Mid Wales League Championship Cup.
    4. To organise annual competitions in, U18, U25, Open and O60 singles, Open and O60 pairs, Open and O60 Triples, Open and O60 rinks.
  3. The Association
    The Association shall be managed by the Management Committee consisting of the Officers of the Association, namely, President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Immediate Past President, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer/Assistant Secretary, Competition Secretary and two representatives from each club or their deputies, whose names shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Association prior to 1st March in each year.
    The Officers present, together with the representatives of four clubs shall form a quorum.
    Any vacancy in representatives occurring during the year shall be filled by the club concerned.
    The Management Committee shall appoint from members two persons to serve on the Welsh Bowling Association Council.
  4. Voting Procedure
    1. The voting procedure at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be: each of the named officers and four representatives per club, who shall have one vote each and a two thirds majority will be required to carry a resolution or motion.
    2. Voting procedures at all other meetings shall be: by a show of hands, by members present and a simple majority is required, with the President having a casting vote if needed.
  5. Annual Subscription Fees
    The Annual Subscription Fees shall be determined by the Annual General Meeting, to be paid before 1st May of each year and any club failing to make payment by that date shall be liable to forfeit all the rights and privileges of membership so long as its subscription remains unpaid. Any club formerly a member of the Association but not affiliated to it the previous season shall be considered a new club, but such clubs have a right of appeal to the Management Committee with regard to the payment of any arrears.
  6. Selection of Teams
    Teams to represent the Association in County Championship Matches and Senior County Championship Matches, junior competitions, friendly and other matches will be selected by the selection committee, which shall comprise of Four (4) selectors, with Two (2) from the South and Two (2) from the North, but not from the same club. The selectors shall appoint one of their number to be the Captain.
  7. Annual General Meeting
    The Annual General Meeting of the Association, which will take place on the Third Wednesday of November each year, shall elect a President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer/Assistant Secretary and Competition Secretary who shall continue in office until the next Annual General Meeting. An Auditor should also be elected at the Annual General Meeting. All nominations for office and all resolutions for the Annual General Meeting must be received by the Secretary by 1st October each year, in writing, otherwise they will not be put on the agenda.
  8. Management Committee
    The Management Committee shall meet at least four times a year, and the Secretary shall keep a record of all business transacted. The Treasurer/Assistant Secretary shall keep a full account of all receipts and disbursements and shall submit the same duly audited to the Annual General Meeting. The Management Committee may appoint a sub-committee from its members, if deemed necessary, to deal with specific matters and who shall make recommendations to that committee; the Secretary should attend all meetings.
  9. Joining the Association
    Any club desiring to join the Mid Wales Bowling Association will make application, in writing, to the Secretary and providing a two-thirds majority of the Management Committee agree at a meeting, of which due notice shall have been given by the Secretary, shall resolve on the admission of such a club. Upon payment of the subscription herein mentioned, such club shall be entitled to elect two representatives to the Management Committee.
    Any club wishing to withdraw from the Association must give in writing, a notice to the Secretary before the 1st October in any year, such clubs shall thereby forfeit all rights and interest in the property and funds of the Association and shall be thereafter in the same position as if it had never been a member.
  10. Competitions
    All competitions shall be played in accordance with the rules laid down by World Bowls Ltd, Welsh Bowling Association and the Mid Wales Bowling Association.
    The Management Committee shall produce the rules (which shall not form part of this constitution) and such rules shall be amended from time to time. The winners of each competition shall represent the Association in the Welsh Bowling Association National Finals.
  11. Code of Conduct
    The Mid Wales Bowling Association adopts the Welsh Bowling Association's Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures as theirs and all affiliated clubs and individual members thereof are expected to abide by the code of conduct at all times. The decision of the Management Committee after any appeal shall be final.
  12. Office of Junior Vice President
    The Office of Junior Vice President, will be nominated on a rota basis by affiliated clubs as follows:
    From 2020
    Llandrindod Wells
    Builth Wells
  13. Life Membership
    The Association may elect at an Annual General Meeting, as a Life member, any member whose position among bowlers or whose services in the interest of the game entitle him to this distinction, and who has been nominated by a club for election. A life member shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting.
  14. General
    1. The Management Committee shall appoint a greens committee from its members, to adjudicate on complaints received about bowling greens within the Mid-Wales Bowling Association area. The Management Committee shall have the power to deal with all matters realting to the Association not provided for in the rules and the constitution.
    2. The Association shall exist as long as TWO clubs continue to carry out its objectives and in the event of all clubs except ONE having withdrawn, or refusing to carry out the objectives of the Association, the property and funds shall be held in trust by that club for the objectives of the Association.
    3. A player may qualify for a County Badge if he has played six games for the Association, three of which have to be County Championship or Senior County Championship games.
    4. The County Child Safeguarding policy shall be in line with Welsh Bowling Association's Child Safeguarding Policy.
    5. No alteration of or addition to the constitution shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting of the Association or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. Intimation of any proposed alteration shall be given in writing to the Secretary of the Association at least four weeks before the meeting, and shall be specified in the notice convening the meeting, of which at least seven days notice shall be given. Any alteration agreed by the meeting shall be duly sent, by the Secretary of the Association, to the Secretaries of all affiliated clubs.

Updated November 2020